Pn Norsyazia Binti Mohd Radzi or everybody call Pn GG is teaching us english (Communicative English 1 ) She want everybody to speak english effectively and with confidence. Before that,teacher want us to speak english in a smooth way. At first, it was hard for us to speak english because we are not used to it.
The first lesson that she teaching us is Speaking About Myself. She want everybody to speak english effectively and with confidence. Before that,teacher want us to speak english in a smooth way.The first thing we learn is Making Introduction. Teacher ask us to prepare to come in front to make our introduction in the class. So one by one came in front of the class and speak about theirself or in another meaning is making introduction.
The next topic that she teaching us is sharing information. We were ask to make a team. Each team have two member. Then we were ask to share information with our teammates. I were partner with Helmi. Teacher give us a paper that are fill with information that we have to share with our teammates. the following picture at 0.1
Picture 0.1
The third subtopic is describing feeling and opion.Teacher ask us to tell everybody in the class what we like to do and why. Beside that,we we ask to respon on time when teacher ask us. I don't remember much in this topic so i can tell you just this.
So after we learn all about Speaking About Myself,we have to da a task that teacher need us to do in person. This is an individual task but the nine of us is split into group of three group and divided with three interviewer that we will have to face. It more like an interview. So my team member is Mohd Helmi,Mohd Afiq Nuzaim and me. So we got ourself a very good and kind person that is Tuan Haji Othman bin Mohindo( Deputy Director of academic affairs)
When the day came for the three of us to interview with Tuan Haji Othman bin Muhindo, it was very nervous moment for us because we never done this before. So we interview in His office. So i was the last person to interview with him. At first i was confident and relax but when i face to face with him all my confident and relax gone far away but i still do my best to complete the task whether is okay or not okay. After we all finish interview with him, it was a very reliveved moment for the all of us. Picture 0.2 is a picture that was taken after we successful complete the task.
Picture 0.2
For unit 2, we learn how to speaking Accurately. Teacher want us to speak with the correct vocabulary,grammar and the many else.
So teacher teach us about Pronouncing Diphthongs Accurately. Diphthongs is known as a gliding vowel, refers to two adjacent vowel sounds occuring within the same syllable.There are five diphthongs such as -ou- / -oi- / -au- / -ei- / -ai- . This are an example in Picture 0.3
Picture 0.3
Also we learn about Monophthongs. Monophthongs is a pure vowel sound, one whose articulation at both begining and end is relatively fixed and which does not glide up or down towards a new position of articulation. Here are an example at Picture 0.4
Picture 0.4
Next, we learn about working with silent letters. Silent letters are letters that you can't hear when you say the word, but that are there when you write the word. You can put your mouse over a word to see the silent letter highlighted. Here are example in Picture 0.5
Picture 0.5
And for lastly, learning word stress. Word stress is your magic key to understanding spoken English. Native speakers of English use word stress naturally. Here are example of Picture 0.6
Picture 0.6
So, for conclusion for unit 2 is that we manage to speak Diphthongs, Monothong, silent letter and word stress. We learn to speak Accurately with using a correct vocabulary, grammar and many else.
For this unit, teacher teach us about to practice in public speaking and for the first subtopic that is Practicing the language of debate. Debate is contention in argurment, strife, dissension, quarrelling, controversy, especially a formal discussion of subject before a public assembly or legislature, in Parliament or in any deliberative assembly. Debate is a method of formally presenting an argument in a disciplined manner. Picture 0.7 and Picture 0.8 can be refer to practicing the language of debate.
Picture 0.7
Picture 0.8
The next topic that teacher teach us to do is speaking extempore. Speaking extempore is more like public speaking. We have to go by class with different group with different presentation. At first this was an individual task but teacher simplify for us and do it by group but each group only have two people, so there are four team. I was team up with Hanif. I was not confident with him at first but he manage to give his focus in doing speaking extempore. Teacher main target is that we can speak in front of people, having interation with the audience and the audience enjoy the presentation. So we focus on doing sport at first but when we discuss with the teacher, our presentation don't have element of enjoy. Then we discuss back and change our mind to do indoor game because all element have in it.
When the day came for all of us to present by different class, it became a very nervous moment on each team and each person. We are the last team to present. The three group have already done their presentation and the three team got to present through semester 1 but for us it was a very bad moment because we have to present to our senior that was semester 4 !! So when we enter the class,truly i am very nervous same as my partner that are twice nervous than me but we follow our plan and did it just fine. For me, it was not fair because we have to do with our senior but it already happen. Even i cannot do anything about it. Then our speaking extempore finally complete. Here are some video about our presentation
For this topic,we learn about social communication:performing language functions.In this topic,we will learn apologizing,asking for clarification and giving a description.We don know what about this topic will surprise us all.
The first thing we learn is apologizing. This subtopic need us to understand about how to apologize in a correct term in the correct situation. There are many expressions that we can use when we apologize to someone. Also, there are many phrase that we can use in a correct situation. Picture 0.9 is the expression and phrase that we can use in term of apologizing.
Picture 0.9
The following picture 0.10 are an example of exercise that we do on class about apologizing.
Picture 0.10
Beside that,we learn about asking for clarification. Asking for clarification is a clarification using an expression when we don't understand what someone has said. There are many expression that we can use for this subtopic. Also not just about asking for clarification,we can use on clarification on your idea or your point.
This are some exercise that we do for asking clarification This exercise is quiet simple but in the same time is hard.This exercise is all about on how you clarify it to get better answer when teacher ask you any question. I really don't remember much on what teacher ask me, but from all of us,i get the hardest question.
And lastly, teacher teach us about giving a description. This subtopic is very simple and also got funny moment in it. Giving a description is when your to describe a person using all the information that you have.
For us, teacher give all of us a three piece of paper in different description. For me, i got a description that is to describe a person that has panda nose and lips, 2 sided long pony tails with fringe hair and also have oval eyebrows with cone eyes. when i got this description, it feel weird for me. The following picture is the result that i get from my drawing. I felt very funny with my drawing.
And lastly,our final unit is speaking across the curriculum. in this unit, we only have one subtopic that is reporting in the class room. we were given a task to do that is to find and write a synopsis of a book but teacher simplify us we can choose a movie.
For this task,teacher split us into four group and each team has two member. I was partner with Nor Asyraf Adly Bin Ibrahim. So we discuss and decide to do a story book about Journey To The Center Of The Earth. So,as usual, we use to find the synopsis or you can say the easier way. And then we just have to write in a piece of paper and understand about the book. The following picture is the synopsis that we write in a piece of paper.
Then,the day has come for all of us to present our last presentation with teacher. So,teacher choose by random using our piece of paper that has all our name. That why my team was randomly the first one to present. So we take turn reading the story and take turn writing in the whiteboard.These are the prove that we wrote it. We wrote on the whiteboard about the main character,the facts about this story an many else.
After finish our presentation,we feel nothing but satisfied with our work and our cooperation. And that was the last day of our english class. We all feel sad but also feel very happy about it. So we all take the picture as our good moment with Pn GG. The following picture is our member of English class except for Hazim because he have a camp to attend and will be back Tuesday. Almost forget that hanif is capturing the picture. That why his not in the picture.
So my hope after learning all the syllabus in English is to develop the ability to speak English effectively and with confidence. Also using appropriate grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. Lastly, Organize ideas logically and appropriately in various communication situations.
So my hope after learning English is that i can speak with other person with correct pronounce and with full of confidence. Beside that,I can use English in various communication situation, both formal and informal in order to meet theirs needs for English in Life. Lastly, I can speak clearly that calmly with everybody in many situation,place and country.
So this is my last word. Thank you for reading my blog and i hope your satisfied with my blog. If there are something that you want to add at my blog,please notified me and good bye..
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